We recommend using the dimensions 820px by 360px for Facebook cover photos, and to keep all text and graphics in the middle safe zone as per the specifications ...
The ideal image size for a Facebook group cover photo is 1640px by 856px (a 1.91:1 ratio). Cropping will occur when you upload your image, as visibility changes ...
As we write this guide in 2024, the recommended Facebook cover photo size is 820 x 312 pixels for desktop computers. How to create the perfect... · Common mistakes to avoid...
Facebook cover photos look like banners on top of your Facebook timeline. They display at 820 x 312 pixels on most computers and 640 x 360 pixels on most ...
Facebook cover photos and videos should be sized at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. This, however, is the size that file will be seen at by viewers using ...
Displays at 176x176 pixels on your Page on computers, 196x196 pixels on smartphones and 36x36 pixels on most feature phones. Is cropped to a circle. Your Page's ...